NHS Staffing - Kingdom Healthcare - Bigger, Bolder, Better!

NHS Staffing - Kingdom Healthcare - Bigger, Bolder, Better!

Kingdom Healthcare. Bigger, bolder, better.

As the challenges faced by National Health Service trusts and other operations continue to mount in a post-pandemic world, the need to fill staff vacancies with the right people for the right role remains crucial to the healthcare industry.

Across the country, services are stretched thin at local and regional levels, with the demand for additional workplace provisions on both short and long-term basis now needed more than ever.

At Kingdom Healthcare, we are dedicated to delivering not only temporary, permanent, and contract staff to NHS facilities, but also placing the best individuals and assets into your hands, from London and the Midlands to the Northeast and South West. 

With experience working with more than twenty-five NHS trusts, our agency seeks to place staff fully trained with compliance guidelines into industry positions to help reduce rising costs and improve operational efficiency for hospitals, clinics, and more throughout the nation.

Our improved agency portfolio, following internal mergers, looks to ease the financial burden on staff allocation shortages by ensuring we deliver fully complied healthcare staff ready and able to work at any level, at any time, with dedicated consultants and provisional assets available 24/7, 365 days a year.

What’s more, we continue to offer refined training and further skills-based development to our recruitment pool, ensuring that our personnel continue to grow as your NHS staff do too, with a workforce that will remain aligned with guidelines and adaptable to requirements.

This is the new Kingdom Healthcare - bigger, better, bolder. Call us today to talk to one of our area managers and discuss how we can help you with staffing shortages. 

Call us today at 0121 752 7550 for England, Wales, and Scotland or 028 4483 0486 for Northern Ireland.